the basics. a bible study.

By Jerry West

LEGO® DUPLO® JAMS provides an interactive, musical world for your toddler or preschooler to discover the joy of building. Set to upbeat playroom songs that even parents will enjoy, this app lets children build their imaginations by clicking bricks to explore colorful worlds as they sing along to catchy tunes.

From trains and race cars to zoos and oceans, there's something to engage every child's interest. Play experiences range from learning the alphabet to simple memory matching exercises. Children can also customize their playtime by adding sounds to put their own creative touch on each world.

Kick off your child's building career with LEGO DUPLO JAMS. Then find these songs and other DUPLO JAMS free on iTunes or to add creative building fun to your playroom.

Download (free) on itunes -

And Android! -
The basics is a bible study covering the ideas that are foundational to following Christ. It is designed to be a conversation starter. A bible study
5 - 10
12 years ago