
By Yell Ltd

A video demonstrating how you redeem your loyalty points, using the FREE mClub app, available for Android, Blackberry and iPhone handsets.

This card only needs one more point before it's full:
1. Open app
2. Tap 'Add points' button
3. The card is full and ready to be redeemed! You can see it's moved to a different section of 'My Wallet'
4. Open and tap 'Redeem'
5. 'Claim my reward now'
6. Scan card, shown by merchants
7. Show that redeem screen to the merchant and get your reward!
mClub - Local Deals from Local Businesses.

mClub gives you free rewards from your favourite local merchants just for being a loyal customer.

500 - 1k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market