By Eelooz
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LOMO Spirit: Don't think, Just Shoot --Differentiated from other apps, LOMOLOMO produces photos all at random --You don't have to set any parameters and you will never know what amazing photos you could get from each shot.
Photo Management: LOMOLOMO provides unique photo management functions. Everything captured is automatically processed and indexed by DATE, PLACE, or TAG, Our innovative daily footprint animation tells WHEN and WHERE photos were captured!
LOMO Wall: LOMOLOMO provides a Lomo Wall share function, by which you share your LOMO experiences globally and locally.
One Click Share: share to community, Flickr, Facebook, Picasa, Twitter, Tumblr, simple by pushing Share Button once only.
Other functions:
Multiple LOMO cameras: There's a camera bag in LOMOLOMO which provides all the major lomo cameras, each of them brings a different style of photograph.
Multiple lens: There are also plenty of lens in the app which give you broad experiences of LOMO. The more you try, the more surprises you could get.
LomoWall provides a platform for Lomo lovers to share Lomo exprerience instantly on global stage and local lomo wall.
Have already had tones of Lomo Photos in your camera roll, from different photo effect apps? Show them out!
LOMOLOMO makes everything super simple, super easy, what you do is "Just Shoot On-The-Go"
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch (4th generation) Requires ios 4.0 or later.
Communication with Apple in-app purchase server might take some time due to heavy traffic there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Click here to get the application:
LOMO Spirit: Don't think, Just Shoot --Differentiated from other apps, LOMOLOMO produces photos all at random --You don't have to set any parameters and you will never know what amazing photos you could get from each shot.
Photo Management: LOMOLOMO provides unique photo management functions. Everything captured is automatically processed and indexed by DATE, PLACE, or TAG, Our innovative daily footprint animation tells WHEN and WHERE photos were captured!
LOMO Wall: LOMOLOMO provides a Lomo Wall share function, by which you share your LOMO experiences globally and locally.
One Click Share: share to community, Flickr, Facebook, Picasa, Twitter, Tumblr, simple by pushing Share Button once only.
Other functions:
Multiple LOMO cameras: There's a camera bag in LOMOLOMO which provides all the major lomo cameras, each of them brings a different style of photograph.
Multiple lens: There are also plenty of lens in the app which give you broad experiences of LOMO. The more you try, the more surprises you could get.
LomoWall provides a platform for Lomo lovers to share Lomo exprerience instantly on global stage and local lomo wall.
Have already had tones of Lomo Photos in your camera roll, from different photo effect apps? Show them out!
LOMOLOMO makes everything super simple, super easy, what you do is "Just Shoot On-The-Go"
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch (4th generation) Requires ios 4.0 or later.
Communication with Apple in-app purchase server might take some time due to heavy traffic there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Click here to get the application:
lomo themes
10 - 50
14 years ago
Program was removed from android market