
By Cheikh Drame

This is iRapGenie, the rhyming dictionary authority. It has more words and 100% accuracy. Better than anything that is out there.
One thing is for sure, writing lyrics is no longer a matter to consider. With iRapGenie, it is so simple.
Along there is a website, in which I have dozens of lyrics that people can view. Anybody can join in and post their lyrics. Most lyrics have been copyrighted.
It is available on the windows marketplace, and android marketplace.

You can search for endings of words like tion for vibration.
You can search for word beginnings like pre for preventive
You can search for letters in the middle like ui for guitar

This is the software for words manipulation. If you are very sensitive with sounds. You can write lyrics that move people in a multidimensional way.
This is the app that the world has been waiting for.
This is more than a rhyming dictionary.
Not only can you find words that rhyme with anger by
100 - 500
11 years ago