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Do you have the experience of travelling/partying with a group of good friends, someone paying for the group now and again, and ending up with not knowing who owes whom at the end of the day? Let Receipt Ninja save you from the tedious and complicated math work that you may struggle with to figure out who should pay whom. You can share this information with everybody in the group simply using emails or SMS.
Throw receipts out of your wallet and let Receipt Ninja become your receipt manager today! You can use it for tracking either your own expenses or group expenses in events like trips, parties, etc.
Key features include:
-Track your receipts with pictures.
-Integrate with your contacts (names, emails, mobiles).
-Share the expenses in the group anyway you want (evenly or unevenly).
-Show the debt/credit information for everybody.
-Avoid circular debt in calculation (A owes B, B owes C).
-Customize your own categories and foreign currencies easily.
-Support multiple events and switch between them.
-Show expense reports for persons, categories, and currencies.
-Share the expense reports to everybody in the group via Email or SMS.
-Export reports to Excel as standard CSV files.
Keywords: receipt, receipts, receipt manager, receipt tracker, receipt organizer, receipt scanner, ninja, share expenses, share costs, travel, holiday, trip, money, spending, expenses, group, credit, manage, depts, owe, balance, finance, people, person, share, sharing, accounting, foreign, currency, exchange rates, vacation, vacations, go Dutch, split, split bill, bill splitter, easy split, track expense, tip and split, Share Event Expenses, Settle Debts, Expense Tracker, Settle Up, Event Money, Friends Money Management, Who Owes Who, Expense Share, Split Money, Group Cash, Split the bill, IOU, Group Balance, Piggy, Lemon.com, CWMoney, Expensify, Mint, Checkbook, EasyMoney, Moneywise, TripAdvisor, priceline, Expedia, Orbitz, Booking.com, KAYAK
Throw receipts out of your wallet and let Receipt Ninja become your receipt manager today! You can use it for tracking either your own expenses or group expenses in events like trips, parties, etc.
Key features include:
-Track your receipts with pictures.
-Integrate with your contacts (names, emails, mobiles).
-Share the expenses in the group anyway you want (evenly or unevenly).
-Show the debt/credit information for everybody.
-Avoid circular debt in calculation (A owes B, B owes C).
-Customize your own categories and foreign currencies easily.
-Support multiple events and switch between them.
-Show expense reports for persons, categories, and currencies.
-Share the expense reports to everybody in the group via Email or SMS.
-Export reports to Excel as standard CSV files.
Keywords: receipt, receipts, receipt manager, receipt tracker, receipt organizer, receipt scanner, ninja, share expenses, share costs, travel, holiday, trip, money, spending, expenses, group, credit, manage, depts, owe, balance, finance, people, person, share, sharing, accounting, foreign, currency, exchange rates, vacation, vacations, go Dutch, split, split bill, bill splitter, easy split, track expense, tip and split, Share Event Expenses, Settle Debts, Expense Tracker, Settle Up, Event Money, Friends Money Management, Who Owes Who, Expense Share, Split Money, Group Cash, Split the bill, IOU, Group Balance, Piggy, Lemon.com, CWMoney, Expensify, Mint, Checkbook, EasyMoney, Moneywise, TripAdvisor, priceline, Expedia, Orbitz, Booking.com, KAYAK
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Maystarwerk presents a new dimension of ringtones.
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