Frisky Frog is a New Puzzle game developed in Flash and Adobe Air.
12 years ago
1k - 5k14 years agoFrisky Frog is a New Puzzle game developed in Flash and Adobe Air.PLEASE NOTE:This game requires Android 2.2+, Adobe AIR.More Levels are coming soon...
You want to get rid of tracking expenses in documents and sheets? Here you go!
12 years ago
10 - 5013 years agoYou want to get rid of tracking expenses in documents and sheets? Here you go! Expense application is a simple solution for tracking your daily expenses in mobile. Xpense is a top selling app in Finance.Using tags you can classify expenses you like:
Best task manager for android phone! Kill tasks, Speed up phone, save
13 years ago
10k - 50k13 years agoBest task manager for android phone! Kill tasks, Speed up phone, save battery!X Man application is a simple solution for better battery life. It is a tool to kill running applications and clean memory.Start managing your applications with X