YouSpin Lite

By 3Sixty

Ever wondered how you look like in 360? Well, now you can find out by downloading the YouSpin360 App for FREE. Use your iPhone to capture a 360 of yourself, a friend or something else like a car.

90 000 + Downloads & 3Dme is very popular on Facebook

The Ultimate 360 Animation app that uses stop frame animation to create a 360 spin of yourself, a car or any other object. This app was NOT designed to create 360 panoramas, BUT they turn out nicely as well!

YouSpin360 gives you the freedom to be really creative with the stop motion (stop action) format.
YouSpin lets you create 3D animation like a pro! See yourself, a friend, your car...whatever you want, from all sides. It’s easy to use, lets you
10k - 50k
11 years ago