XXII GeneXus Meeting

By GeneXus Labs

Amidst the smart device revolution we learnt about new technology like Android and XCode and now we create new generators and objects. But do we know where to apply the technology and the knowledge we have?
This year we have a brand new challenge for the development team that consists of taking an idea and implementing a GeneXus application in two weeks. We want to share this experience with everyone.

A revolution is taking place in the industry: smart devices are here to stay and are on the rise, along with their end user applications. A whole new challenge for the development team: learning new languages and technology for adapting them to the experience of GeneXus users.
And GeneXus has evolved, with new objects, editors, ways of programming and generators... but what is the purpose of all this?
Is this modeling valid for such consumer applications?
To find an answer to this question, the challenge was proposed to GeneXus developers asking them for an idea and two weeks of work for developing a GeneXus application.
Are we capable of using our own technology?
We will be sharing this experience and showing the results obtained.
Official application of the XXII GeneXus Meeting, where the community can schedule and view information about the conferences, speakers, rooms and
500 - 1k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market