XGate Satellite Email & Web

By Luis Soltero

Learn more about the XGate and the Optimizer at http://bit.ly/satemail

This video walks you through the process of registering XGate satellite phone email software and using it to send/receive email via the GMN WiFi Connect Optimizer. Luis Soltero, CTO for Global Marine Networks, describes how to download and install XGate software, register the software using the online registration process, and configure XGate to use the GMN Optimizer satellite router for sending/receiving email at sea or while in some remote location. Although this example is shown in a Windows OS environment; Mac users will find this video helpful, as the process is similar.

XGate satellite email offers high-speed compressed email designed for satellite phones, including Iridium, Inmarsat, Globalstar, Thuraya systems and more. It is compatible with Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems; plus, XGate email is now available for iPad, iPhone and Android smartphones when using the GMN Optimizer.

The Optimizer is a satellite firewall router that blocks all unwanted data traffic over your satellite connection saving you from runaway satellite airtime expense. In addition, it provides the convenience of a wifi hotspot for wirelessly connecting your laptop or your iPhone or your Android phone for sending and receiving email using your satellite link. The Optimizer supports most satellite devices including older and new Iridium handheld phones, Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro and FleetBroadband systems, Globalstar phones and more.
XGate satellite phone email is the easy way to access email while on the water or in remote locations. XGate is simply the fastest, easiest and most
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10 years ago