Wi-Fi Hotspot

By twenty9

JoikuSpot Premium is finally at the Ovi Store for Symbian^3 devices such as the Nokia N8, C7, and E7. For $9.99 you can turn your phone into a WiFi hotspot. Connect your iPad, laptop, or other devices to internet using your mobile phone as a 3G modem. There's no need for a USB dongle, cable, or bluetooth connection. Watch the short video I made so you can see how it works on the Nokia N8.

My favorite feature of Joikuspot is the ability to password protect your hotspot. You do not want to be at an airport surrounded by people with laptops looking for free WiFi. This app is great and I highly recommend it.

"Awel" by stefsax
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Simply toggles your hotspot on\off. No more digging through settings or creating huge tool bars that take up space. Install and add the shortcut to
50k - 100k
12 years ago