Wear The Cheese

By Greenless Studios

Learn all about Wear The Cheese and, more importantly, the new website: WearTheCheese.com!

Your personal party hosts, Kelli & Allegra give you a brief overview of what to expect. The website officially launched on August 1, 2011... so if you haven't been there yet, what the hell are you waiting for??!! :)


Follow us on Twitter! @Wear_The_Cheese

Also at facebook.com/W34R.TEH.CH33Z



© Greenless Studios.

Music by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com
"Pinball Spring" used under Creative Commons Licence.
You're using the official Wear The Cheese app, designed for Android using AppMakr.com. We're a bunch of geeks, but computer science isn't our
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13 years ago