War Kingdoms Strategy Game RTS
By War Kingdoms
You can play War Kingdoms by two ways;
1. by downloading the application from Android Market
2. by visiting the official website from your smartphone or tablet browser: www.warkingdoms.com
Play War Kingdoms now and join thousands of players!!
War Kingdoms is one of the most popular multiplayer strategy games in the world. Download the application NOW to taste the unique excitement and fun in War Kingdoms!
As a WK player, you will rule your own kingdom, recruit a mighty army, and fight with your allies for game world domination. One day, you may become the greatest kingdom ever!
★ "This is the best RTS game I have ever played! I can't stand without looking to my kingdom." -- User review
War Kingdoms presents you the best strategy and war game with its unique RTS and MMO engine.
★★★ Game Features ★★★
✔ Top-class multiplayer strategy game and deeply social!
✔ Play online with thousands of other players!
✔ Choose from 3 ancient civilizations with unique units and graphics: Greeks, Romans or Egyptians!
✔ Build a powerful kingdom in a competitive environment!
✔ Develop your kingdom's technology through scientific research!
✔ Produce resources and trade with other players!
✔ Gather great armies made of real historical warriors and siege weapons!
✔ Spy and plunder other players' kingdoms!
✔ Conquer colonies and ancient cities to enlarge your kingdom!
✔ Capture ancient traderoads!
✔ Develop your strategy to conquer the world!
✔ Forge diplomatic alliances with other kingdoms!
✔ Invite your friends from email, Facebook and other contact lists!
✔ Best RTS, best MMO, best strategy game!
✔ and much, much more!
★★★ Links ★★★
• Website: warkingdoms.com
• Follow latest news on Twitter: @warkingdoms
• Become a WK fan on Facebook: facebook.com/warkingdoms
• Get in touch with WK players: forum.warkingdoms.com
1. by downloading the application from Android Market
2. by visiting the official website from your smartphone or tablet browser: www.warkingdoms.com
Play War Kingdoms now and join thousands of players!!
War Kingdoms is one of the most popular multiplayer strategy games in the world. Download the application NOW to taste the unique excitement and fun in War Kingdoms!
As a WK player, you will rule your own kingdom, recruit a mighty army, and fight with your allies for game world domination. One day, you may become the greatest kingdom ever!
★ "This is the best RTS game I have ever played! I can't stand without looking to my kingdom." -- User review
War Kingdoms presents you the best strategy and war game with its unique RTS and MMO engine.
★★★ Game Features ★★★
✔ Top-class multiplayer strategy game and deeply social!
✔ Play online with thousands of other players!
✔ Choose from 3 ancient civilizations with unique units and graphics: Greeks, Romans or Egyptians!
✔ Build a powerful kingdom in a competitive environment!
✔ Develop your kingdom's technology through scientific research!
✔ Produce resources and trade with other players!
✔ Gather great armies made of real historical warriors and siege weapons!
✔ Spy and plunder other players' kingdoms!
✔ Conquer colonies and ancient cities to enlarge your kingdom!
✔ Capture ancient traderoads!
✔ Develop your strategy to conquer the world!
✔ Forge diplomatic alliances with other kingdoms!
✔ Invite your friends from email, Facebook and other contact lists!
✔ Best RTS, best MMO, best strategy game!
✔ and much, much more!
★★★ Links ★★★
• Website: warkingdoms.com
• Follow latest news on Twitter: @warkingdoms
• Become a WK fan on Facebook: facebook.com/warkingdoms
• Get in touch with WK players: forum.warkingdoms.com
War Kingdoms is the most amazing combat strategy game on Android! Get the game, join the fun - it's FREE!
★★★★★ #1 Strategy Game on Android!
★★★★★ #1 Strategy Game on Android!