Voice Phone
By SysNucleus
After watching the video read our article here: http://ritchiesroom.com/2012/06/01/samsung-galaxy-s3-first-look/
Samsung have now got S Voice on the Samsung Galaxy 3 smartphone and we thought now would be a good time to compare S Voice with the Apple iPhone offering of Siri. Which voice activated assistant will come out on top and will either of them understand our Australian accent? To find out what happens watch this video.
Do smartphone assistants work and can they be used to make our daily lives that much more easier (the answers lay within this video)?
As always we'd love to see your comments and we'll answer any questions you have so feel free to ask away.
Also on: http://www.facebook.com/ritchiesroom
Googles Page https://plus.google.com/b/115982317613322833644/
Samsung have now got S Voice on the Samsung Galaxy 3 smartphone and we thought now would be a good time to compare S Voice with the Apple iPhone offering of Siri. Which voice activated assistant will come out on top and will either of them understand our Australian accent? To find out what happens watch this video.
Do smartphone assistants work and can they be used to make our daily lives that much more easier (the answers lay within this video)?
As always we'd love to see your comments and we'll answer any questions you have so feel free to ask away.
Also on: http://www.facebook.com/ritchiesroom
Googles Page https://plus.google.com/b/115982317613322833644/
Voice Phone provides voice notifications (voice alerts) for incoming Phone Calls (Caller ID), Text Messages, GMail Email and Clock. You will find
100k - 500k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market