Violence park
By larissa lin
Recorded this on my android on the morning of September 20th, 2011 in lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park, now also known as Liberty Park. Upon returning from the morning march through Wall Street protesters were met by A large amount of Aggressive Police who clearly had little regards for anyones constitutional rights or the use of force on individuals posing no harm or threat to anyone. In my opinion they were attempting to provoke protesters in the classic provacateur tradition, claiming they had tro confiscate all of the tarps that had just been used to cover the protesters food source as it was beginning to rain. As the video shows, they were not met with irrational violence, they were met by protesters who knew their rights under the law, and acted within them, refusing to lower themselves to the mentality of brutes and in doing so making it clear for the world to see the NYPD for the true purpose it is serving at this protest, to quell it and put it down using any method possible.
Violence park is a collection of four game for one game. Which contains the kill devil duck, playing the Devil Dogs, as well as the demon of wrist
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market