Ultimate MMA Training+
Erik Paulson is one of the most versatile and knowledgeable fighters on the mixed martial arts scene. With a resume that includes boxing, wrestling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, shoot wrestling, judo and muay Thai, Paulson has been able to refine the world's most effective martial arts into his own unique arsenal. Now, for the first time, Erik reveals his secrets to effective mixed martial arts training in this unique three-volume series. Volume 1 covers warm-ups, pad drills, partner kicks, footwork and pummeling. Volume 2 continues with wrist wrestling, neck training, checking, tie-ups, chair drill, conditioning pad drills, punch and kick counters, and wall survival drills. Volume 3 continues with tie-ups, ground trapping, ground-to-standing, focus mitts, ground punching, and chopping the puncher. To order this DVD: http://www.up-publications.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ID=2268.&PK=M84YTEP.
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