The Woodshop Widget

By Grand Unified LLC

We are very proud to announce The Woodshop Widget, a web-widget and iPhone/iPad/iPod app made especially for woodworkers. We've been thinking about putting an app out there for some time now, but the last thing we wanted to do was give you a glorified RSS feed of TWW content. Instead, we wanted the app to be incredibly useful, while still having some Wood Whisperer flavor. So together with the blood sweat and tears of our buddy Kenneth Woodruff, we have what we feel is a full-featured, first of its kind, application and web-widget. Here are the primary features:

* Board Foot Calculator
* Wood Movement Calculator
* Shellac Mixing and Dilutions
* Fraction/Decimal Conversions
* Squareness Calculator
* TWW Bonus Tips
The Woodshop Widget is a rich collection of wood-related utilities, ranging from board volume calculation to shellac mixing aids, squareness testing
100 - 500
10 years ago