The Ultimate App

By jp flathead

Maven - The Ultimate Safari Alternative (What's The Apps)
Hosted by Jon Quach of TechnoBuffalo

Jon Q takes a look at a Safari alternative application called Maven. Beyond it's odd name and curious icon, Maven is a hidden gem, which features that are arguably "revolutionary" in the world of mobile applications.


What's The Apps is a in-depth application review experience hosted by Jon Quach (aka. WaffleJon) - known on YouTube and the internet for his upbeat personality. Tune into What The Apps to find out what's hot and to learn how you can improve your mobile experience one app at a time.

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Fifa Ultimate Team (FUT) Card Trading Application by jp flathead
The Ultimate App brings the greatest experience ever for Ultimate Team.
Check player
500 - 1k
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market