The Train

By Spirit Regain

Storm the Train iPhone App Video Review by

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Storm the Train iPhone App Details
Title: Storm the Train
Price: FREE
Size: 48.4 MB
Category: Games
Developer: Chillingo Ltd
Store: iTunes App Store

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Storm the Train iPhone App Developers Description

iOS Universal

A one-way ticket to side-scrolling mayhem!

Send three gun-toting agents aboard a locomotive packed with zombies, robots, ninjas and relentless boss battles. Get trigger-happy with an arsenal of upgradable guns, drones and gadgets to complete missions and cause as much carnage as possible to rack up a high score.

Choose from a trio of agents to send on a rampage of destruction into the fray against unending hordes of zombies, robots, ninjas and relentless boss battles in this explosive, guns blazing side-scroller.

Take to the skies with a jetpack, use vehicles of mass destruction and the extra firepower of drones to storm the train in style and rescues hostages and complete your mission objectives.

Grab as many coins as possible and complete mission objectives to unlock new outfits, guns, gadgets, drones and upgrades -- the more mayhem you cause, the higher your score.

IPod 5th Gen owners - we know some of you have had trouble with controls - we are working to solve this and will have an update for you as soon as possible. Sorry

Game Features
•Classic side-scrolling gameplay with explosive action
•Upgrade weapons, drones, and gadgets
•Amazing action and deadly enemies
•Destroy as much as possible to get the highest score
•UNIVERSAL: Works on iPhone, iPod touch and iPad
A great variety of trains's photos are collected in this app. Please enjoy and feel free to select them as wallpaper.
Keywords: train, locomotives
100 - 500
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market