Swar Saptak

By Komal Pandya

A Beautiful way to music:"Swar Saptak"
Available for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.cocos2dx.swarsaptak
and Apple IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/swar-saptak/id568707034?ls=1&mt=8

Swar Saptak enables you to practise indian style vocal music in a wonderful way.
***** works in live/real-time through the microphone *****
- Shows the 12 notes / swara in real-time on Indian classical musical scale.
- adjustable madhya saptak according to person or instrument.
- shows 3 octaves in relative scale(madhya saptak , tivra saptak and mandra saptak)
- Also Shows 7 - body lotus Chakras spinning in harmony with the musical notes and swaras being singed or played
***** --- *****
helpful in
- practising sargam, swara, aakar
- doing riyaz, singing as hobbyist, pitch practise,
- live visual feedback for playing musical instrument or singing.
- tuning musical instrument.
- learn about the chakra in body
- perfect for kids learning too
It can be used along with shruti box or tanpura for practising vocal when alone.
It will certainly a fun-filled activity for anyone with interest or willing to create interest or learn in indian classical music, Hindustani music or Carnatic music or simply bollywood style vocals.

Please Note:
Swara: is unit of note in indian classical music
(Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, dha, ni, sa)
Chakra: is subtle point in body often related musical note according to samveda
(Muladhar, swadhishthan, manipur, anahat, swar, agna, sastrar)
And understand the purpose of this application: it is meant to act as a companion to learning and hobbyist needs it can not make anybody a musician or a singer.
A fun-filled activity for anyone with interest or willing to create interest or learn in indian classical music, Hindustani music or Carnatic music
100 - 500
11 years ago