Super Star War

By Android Cloud

Wookiees are naturally gifted at dodging TIE Fighters, apparently. The hairy Chewbacca, after jumping and shooting all over the place (and watching a Stormtrooper stupidly ambush nothing but a hole in the ground), disposes of yet another one of the Empire's toys; the Imperial Defense Droid. All without really knowing why.

Then Chewie growls.


Watch as Han rolls around avoiding crushers, shoots more droids than the Empire can really afford (often not even looking), and takes plenty of pot-shots at the Detention Guard. Which is nothing but a Stormtrooper in a damn-near useless oversized flying chair.
A Space Style War Of Star Craft with Stunning Graphics and Big Maps!
###This is named star wars tower defense before, but to avoid misunderstood , we
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market