Sudbury Transit

By Steeve S-F

Find exactly when the bus is coming, and leave home just in time.
NEW Update to Sudbury Transit, now version 2.0.5.
I have always wanted to add all the stops in town on a map so we can find them, I need u guy's help to do this, I can't be everywhere So I am asking you to help me, use the new tool provided to help me put the stops in.
Thank You!!!
To use the real-time information tool, enter a street name, a 4-digit stop code, or key word and click search.
Be advised that this app is using information from the Sudbury Transit site:
If you cannot find a result the site might be down.
I created this app just so it would be easier to access the bus times and also to give me some experience in android programming.
Never arrive late to the bus stop again using Sudbury Transit. Always get the right time and never have to stand in the cold again.

To use the
5k - 10k
9 years ago