Stories from the Road 8
Ford F150 Airbag SRS Explosion
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Robo Tech was recently called to address a 2006 Ford F 1 50 airbag issue. In 2010 Ford Motor Company has agreed to recall 1.2 million additional F 1 50 pickup trucks because of hundreds of reports that the airbag can suddenly and unexpectedly deploy. The N H T S A has received 269 reports of random airbag deployments, resulting in 98 injuries. The number of reports was the most in the last 27 years for airbag problems and led to a thorough investigation. The reported injuries have ranged from chipped teeth, to...
See what happened next. Learn the details of airbag repair with this video... Enjoy.
Amazon Printed-Books & Kindle:
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Robo Tech was recently called to address a 2006 Ford F 1 50 airbag issue. In 2010 Ford Motor Company has agreed to recall 1.2 million additional F 1 50 pickup trucks because of hundreds of reports that the airbag can suddenly and unexpectedly deploy. The N H T S A has received 269 reports of random airbag deployments, resulting in 98 injuries. The number of reports was the most in the last 27 years for airbag problems and led to a thorough investigation. The reported injuries have ranged from chipped teeth, to...
See what happened next. Learn the details of airbag repair with this video... Enjoy.
Stories from the Road 8
(A Narrative About Modern Automotive Diagnostics)
An Automotive Case Studies Series
By Mandy Concepcion
This book, "Stories
(A Narrative About Modern Automotive Diagnostics)
An Automotive Case Studies Series
By Mandy Concepcion
This book, "Stories