Spirit Level 3

By skypaw

Cut the Rope Guide, free on Android: http://bit.ly/LearnCTR
Spirits for iPad is an award-winning puzzle game about wind, indirect control and creativity. Guide the spirits towards their destination by using them to manipulate wind, dig tunnels and build bridges of leaves. Find your own creative solution for each of the 40 beautifully hand-drawn levels. Spirits lets you play at your own pace. Pause the game at any time to get an overview over a level. Try to save as many spirits as possible and pick up the hard-to-get plants to reach a higher world rank. Sound and music are done completely with orchestral musical instruments giving the game a unique poetic feel.

For more videos in this series, check out this playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=954778C9999D08B0

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Spirit Level 3 (aka bubble level, surface level) is a simple but extremely useful tool in your pocket to check whether a surface is level or not. Its
10k - 50k
13 years ago