Sonic 4 Episode II THD
sonic 4 episode 2 http://www.netbooknews.com Sonic 4 Episode II has seen considerable changes from Episode I, Episode II has a brand new physics and graphics engine thata delivers physics that is closer to how it was on the Mega Drive/Genesis. Like Episode 1, the game is a 2.5D sidescrolling platformer, though it plays similar to Sonic the Hedgehog 2, with the addition of Tails. During regular gameplay, Tails follows Sonic around like he did in Sonic 2 and 3. A co-op mode has also been added, allowing one player to play as Sonic and the other as Tails.
The Sonic 4 Saga continues in Episode II with the return of a beloved side kick and fan-favorite villains!
Following the events of Episode I, Metal
Following the events of Episode I, Metal