
By Seo Yong Hoon

Watch today's Pocketnow Daily as we talk about the Nexus 4, our review, and just how tough ordering it again was today. Then we go through Android 4.2.1 and what to expect, which isn't much. Then Amazon takes the spotlight due to their cheap sales on the Samsung Galaxy Note II after Black Friday. We then talk about Apple and their apparent dismissal of their iOS 6 Maps person-in-charge. We end today's show by talking about the new rumors of an Amazon and a Microsoft phone.

- Nexus 4 Review:
- Nexus 4 Sales Returning To Google Play Store Today:
- Google Pushes Out Android 4.2.1 Jelly Bean Update For Latest Nexus Devices
- Amazon Offers Post-Cyber-Monday Galaxy Note II Savings
- Apple Continues With Firings Following iOS 6 Maps Fiasco
- Microsoft, Amazon May Have Secured Smartphone Manufacturing Partner
Key Features:
1. Shake the phone tack, please nailed
2 sound, vibration, adjustable
3 See really help.
13 years ago