Second Temple

By Skinhat

Video capture of the Android App 'Second Temple'. Second Temple is a recreation of the jewish Second Temple before it was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD. It was the center of worship for the jews at that time and contained many famous artifacts such as the 'ark of the covenant' which held the 10 commandments, 'the Menorah' and 'altar of incense'. Players can walk around old Jerusalem and explore the Mount of Olives, the south wall, western wall and Antonios fortress. You can play either offline or online. When playing online you can interact with other players. Get the app from the Android Market at:
Second Temple is set in 70AD Jerusalem as it was before the Romans destroyed it. Explore the Second Temple, Mount of Olives, Cemetary, South Gate and
100k - 500k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market