By dBCooper

For the full article, visit http://www.phonebuff.com/2012/04/square-app-review-for-android-ios/

In this video, I give you a review of the Square app that is available on both iOS and Android. I also show you how to use it, walking you through a sample transaction so you know what to expect.

Square is an credit card processing app that lets you set up an account for free to start accepting credit cards on your Android or iPhone for a small fee of 2.75% per transaction. Upon signing up, Square will send you (if you want it) a free credit card reader that plugs into your phone's headphone jack for absolutely free. Learn more at about it at http://www.squareup.com

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SQUARE is a Super QUick Android Resource Explorer.

SQUARE provides an explorable visual map of your device's SD card. This can be used to quickly
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13 years ago