Robo Gods

By Appasaurus Rex

RoboGods HD's appeal lies in the basic fun of throwing stuff at each other. Nothing groundbreaking there. But what sets this game apart is the gameplay - very responsive and cleverly designed, as you get better the gameplay gets better. The graphics are pretty cool, and you get to choose your character, your weapons, and your battle scene. You can choose 2 player mode to go head to head with you opponent, which is really great on the iPad screen (the Android version was not available yet at the time of this review). Single player campaign takes you through the game, defeating robots and gathering followers, eventually becoming the Robot God. Lots of fun!

The game could probably use even more levels (there are currently 6 levels), but surely they will offer updates for that. Overall it's a fun game to play, especially with a friend.
Silly Tom-Toms, Robots aren’t Gods!

Warrior Robots have crash landed on a vaguely familiar planet, only to find themselves battling for the title
10 - 50
12 years ago