Remote display

By Rough Ideas

Display Sender with GPS Injector
While driving, you can read text messages, get phone calls notification and send GPS info to any
Android based device (including Android based rearview mirror and Android based car DVD system)

How does it work?
Download Display Sender app (or Display Sender Pro if you wish to send GPS info as well) to your Android phone.
Download Remote Display app to your tablet, Android based car rearview mirror or any other Android device .
Both devices must be WIFI connected to the same local network (However internet connection is not essential)
Pair both devices (only one time pairing needed). Up to 3 Android devices can be connected to one Display Sender phone.

Pro version of the Display Sender has the option of sending GPS info to Remote Display so no internal GPS needed to display Google map, Waze, I-GO and other Navigation apps.

Send yourself a text message and watch it appears on your tablet or Android based rearview mirror.

Link to Remote Display :

Link to Display Sender :

Link to Display Sender Pro ( with GPS injector) :
Remote display (Works with ‘Display Sender’)

This should be installed on an Android tablet or any other Android device designated to be remote
1k - 5k
12 years ago