Practice Makes Perfect

By Aocate Inc.

This is a demonstration of Practice Makes Perfect for Android.

Are you a musician, choreographer, or dancer? Do you push rewind on your personal media player way too often? Are there hard parts that you need to practice with a lot more? Then this is what you've been looking for!

Practice Makes Perfect is an application designed to practice instruments and develop choreography. It allows you use media on your Android device, break it into sections (similar to the way a DVD is broken into chapters), then play only certain sections.

Pick up your guitar, take a seat at the piano, or slip on your shoes, and make rehearsal easier.
Ad-supported. Premium version now on Market.

Metronome: Audio correct, video best-effort.

Sectionizer: Break a piece of music into pieces, then
10k - 50k
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market