PS3 Wallpaper

By lwp+

This video has been made by me on PC using a software ,it's not real.So the aim of this video is just to see how can be the XMB of the PS3 with the firmware 3.0 available soon with a wallpaper replaced by a video of God of War III this time.

I improved the color keying using an other plugin so now, the green halo around the icons disappeared.(not like the others videos where we could see it).

Of course i havent the game God Of War III.
If you watch the video with Killzone 2,you can see that the game was in the PS3 so for this video ,i decided to do the same thing and i added the picture and the name of the game God Of War III to give a little cool thing to the video. : )
I made this video just to see what the XMB could look like with a wallpaper replaced by a video, not to make a fake.
Wallpaper live wallpaper is sure to find your favorite (LiveWallpaper).
I think that is sure to find your favorite wallpaper offers so cool, cute
50 - 100
13 years ago
Program was removed from android market