OWL CITY GAME!?! Yep ... coming soon-- a classic-style game featuring Owl City and Lights. I am a huge fan of both artists and I think it's only fitting that they have a Zelda-esque adventure accompanying their great music. The gameplay will include puzzling, solving mysteries, and a bit of action.

If you like the music of either Lights or Owl City, you may want to think about supporting them somehow. Buy a T-shirt or something . This game will be free so it's not like you have to, but it'd be really nice and keep fans like me happy that musicians like them are still in business. ;)

To see progress, make suggestions, or join the project, go here: http://www.engine001.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=15342
(you must have an engine001 forum account in order to join the team).
Owl city fans check out all the music video, photos, tweets and more.
1k - 5k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market