Number Grid

By Murjax

Some of you who I talk to on a regular basis probably know I've been working on an Android app for the past few months. It's finally done so I thought I'd show it to you so you can see what it does. Number Grid is a simple game where you're given 9 boxes in a grid like format. The objective is to find 3 hidden numbers within those boxes. The catch is you're given 90 round points and each wrong box you open deducts 30 points. If you lose all 90 points you lose the round. Good news is you're given 20 rounds so you have plenty of chances to accumulate points. I don't have a definitive release date for this app yet, but I'm guessing I'll have it up within a week or two. Anyway enjoy the video which shows the general game play. If you have any suggestions please feel free to share them. My goal is to make this game as user friendly as possible.
Number Grid is a game comprised of 9 boxes. Hidden in these 9 boxes are 9 random numbers. Your goal is to find 3 of the numbers. Be careful though.
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13 years ago