Notre Dame de Paris 3D visit


Open the APPSTORE and search for "Mysteries of Notre Dame"

Mysteries of Notre Dame de Paris is an innovative casual game at a junction of many kinds. It's a mix of an exploration game and an educational game : You are collecting historical informations about Paris, the Ile de la Cité, Notre Dame de Paris, Saints and biblical figures, the French Jewish history, Pagan religions and hidden secrets of Alchemy. You can tap on the statues, the portals or any architectural pieces that might interest you and get informations about it.

You will be amazed by such a realistic reconstruction with its gorgeous graphics using the max of the iOS hardware. You will play at a first person view. Simply use your fingers to move, watch at 360 and get informations, no more need of virtual sticks, even a young child can use it. One of the main feature is the dynamics lightnings with 3D close-up : All the reliefs have been modeled in 3D. You can highlight the statues and reliefs, enhance them with dynamic lightnings, rotate, pinch and zoom on details, learn about them, all these very easily with your fingertips!

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"The virtual recreation of Notre Dame is incredible. There is a great amount of detail, and the visuals are crisp and clear. There are some parts of
10k - 50k
11 years ago