
By Andrew Brampton


Amazing FREE app on the Android Marketplace.

App currently does not have a save feature. Hopefully future updates will change this.

Basically, each dot will play a note. Timing and sound are adjusted in the settings menu. BPM is your Beats Per Minute, the higher it is the faster the sound plays.

Vertical dots control the note being played.
Horizontal dots determine the order of the notes. (From left to right)

If you want to save a certain pattern, use the app I suggest below. This will allow you to take screenshots of patterns.

Free Apps used to make video:
Video Cap: ShootMe 0.8.0 (Currently does NOT record audio)
Audio Cap: Tape-a-talk
After Effects CS4 (Free torrent downloads are everywhere)
Make music with this simple, easy to use, and addictive little app.

Technically a step sequencers, MusicGrid was inspired by the funky Tenori-on and
100k - 500k
14 years ago