Muscle Building Workouts

By WEBELINX In this episode of Boot Camp FX television with Curtis Ludlow you'll see two muscle building and "muscle prepping" kettlebell exercises that you can use as part of your dynamic stretching warm up. These particular exercises will elevate the heart rate and improve blood flow to the limbs. Research suggests that dynamic stretching and dynamic warm up exercises, like the two exercises in this video, are more effective at preparing the body for high intensity interval training than traditional static stretching.

The first exercise you're about to see is the kettlebell globetrotter lunge. Step forward while keeping the chest and head up. At the bottom of your range of motion pass the kettlebell from one hand to the other by passing it between the legs. Alternate legs and continue this movement for 20 seconds.

The next exercise is the kettlebell halo. This kettlebell exercise doesn't look particularly challenging but it is incredibly effective at stretching the deltoids, latissimus dorsi (back) and abdominal musculature. You can actually feel EVERY MUSCLE in your upper body firing during this exercise.

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