
By Slackersoft

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Load up GameCIH.
Load up Lords & Kingdoms.

"Money Hack"

1. Open GameCIH & do a Low Level Analysis.
2. Back out Earn some money.
3. Open GameCIH and tap the "+" button
4. Back out spend some money
5. Open GameCIH and tap the "-" button
6. Back out and do something that won't change your money at all
7. Open GameCIH and tap the "=" button
8. Repeat those steps above in any order until you have less than 10 values.

You money won't say the exact value, it will be something like 14306890
There will be 2 to 4 strings like that. Change them to 2,000,000,000
I know it sounds odd, but I've tried other values and it actually take my money away.

This will overload your money amount, to something like 1,7,394,417,464,687e+266
(Don't worry it's not a perm glitch, Once you exit the game and reload it, the money will go back to your 2Billion)

I've bought tons of land for 10's of thousands and when I did this I only had about 4 thousand in money.

"Diamond Hack"

1. Open GameCIH & do a Low Level Analysis.
2. Back out spend "1" Diamond.
3. Open GameCIH and tap the "-" button
4. Back out spend some Money
5. Open GameCIH and tap the "=" button
6. Back out and spend "1" Diamond
7. Open GameCIH and tap the "-" button
8. Repeat those steps above in any order until you have less than 10 values.

I used about 6 Diamonds before I found less than 10 strings. I had 4 that looked similar to this -- 1024589725
One by one I changed them to 2,000,000,000 And my Diamond amount looks like my money.
Glitched to the max, but They are spendable.
(Don't worry it's not a perm glitch, Once you exit the game and reload it, the diamonds will go back to your 2Billion)

I haven't hacked Energy, EXP or resources yet, but with max Diamonds you can just buy more energy & resources when you need it, and if you can keep playing
you will just keep getting exp. So for now, this is it.

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13 years ago
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