Mobile MySammy Manager


This one minute video introduces you to MySammy - the Time Management Solution. MySammy® is a reporting service that gives you information about how time is spent on a computer. Your registered account gives you access from anywhere in the world to data collected by the MySammy client and hosted in the Internet cloud. The collected data can be used by management to evaluate employees, by a parent to evaluate children, or even for self-evaluation.

MySammy does not collect sensitive data or screen shots. It collects a minimum amount of data for management evaluation and avoids depriving users' privacy. MySammy presents the collected data in easily understandable graphs and charts with intuitive navigation

If you are already using some type of Internet surfing control solution, you might ask why you should consider MySammy. The main reason is while surfing control may prevent your employees from wasting time on the Internet, it does not prevent them from being idle. Your employees may choose to spend time away from his/her computer being non-productive. MySammy is designed as a quantifiable measurement tool. Management can compare the active percentage among multiple employees to assess a reasonable active percentage and use it for performance evaluation.

Many Internet Surf Control solutions may block websites that are beneficial for your employee's legitimate business use. MySammy "Trust and Verify" approach empowers your staff, instead of limiting their potential to succeed.

Furthermore, MySammy is a total time management solution far beyond Internet surf control. With this tool, you now can measure the diligence of your information workers which was hard to quantify in the past. Not only will MySammy improve your organization's productivity, but also give your employees more freedom with their work schedules. You may allow telecommuting without fearing control loses. In the end, it is a win-win solution for both management and employees.

MySammy hosts its data in the Internet cloud. That means you can access your data anywhere in the world. Whether you are on a business / pleasure trip or just around the corner, MySammy is there for you. All you will need is your e-mail and password in order to access your data.

You can sign up MySammy free at
MySammy is a Productivity Measurement Solution for encouraging productivity! Computer activities are automatically collected and categorized.
100 - 500
13 years ago