Metal Detecting Guide!
By andromo
This is a tip which serves me well.
Detecting is not a race. The stuff you're looking for has been there for a very long time and will not run away, so why chase it?
By moving slowly and covering all the land (even if you return time after time to a site) you can be confident that there isn't much remaining when you've left.
Obviously, in a ploughed field scenario, more targets will be brought near the surface (within detector range) every year once the ground is turned over so repeat visits are necessary.
In pasure land, an area which has been done 'slow and low' will probably not have many good targets remaining if the detector (and operator) is good enough to find the goodies during a visit as the land will not be ploughed up at the end of the year.
Detecting is not a race. The stuff you're looking for has been there for a very long time and will not run away, so why chase it?
By moving slowly and covering all the land (even if you return time after time to a site) you can be confident that there isn't much remaining when you've left.
Obviously, in a ploughed field scenario, more targets will be brought near the surface (within detector range) every year once the ground is turned over so repeat visits are necessary.
In pasure land, an area which has been done 'slow and low' will probably not have many good targets remaining if the detector (and operator) is good enough to find the goodies during a visit as the land will not be ploughed up at the end of the year.
Here's what you'll discover in the "Master Metal Detecting; Modern Day Treasure Hunting At Its Finest" E-Book:
* How to research areas to go
* How to research areas to go