Magnetic Cube
By happyue
magnetic experiment magnetic balls from Neocube magnetic cube. malylubo56 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 12. 189 views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like <b>...</b> cybercube Basicsby poisonstinger 1415264 views; 208. Watch Later Hexapod with Android phone is following the ballby malylubo 137 views; 152. Watch Later 6mm MAGNEATOSPHERES DEMONSTRATION 002by Magneatoworld 830 views; 101. Watch Later magnets 216 balls cube rare earth Neodymium magnetby pszczelarz13 51378 <b>...</b>
The object of game is to roll all colored cubes to floor of same color by using green cube. You can roll the green cube everywhere and dock other