MAF Sensor Testing
Ford MAF Sensor Testing, 12V Power
You do not need a Scan Tool to test the Mass Air Flow Sensor on your Ford. Here, we'll walk you through the whole process of testing and troubleshooting the FORD Mass Air FLow sensor, using only a Multimeter.
Although the mass air flow sensor on your Ford is inside the round Air Filter canister assembly and hidden from view, it can be diagnosed in four easy steps.
The Mass Air Flow Sensor on your FORD may have 6 or 4 wires coming out of the Plastic Round Air Filter Box. If the ford mass air flow sensor has 6 wires, this indicates that the Air Temperature Sensor is integrated within the mass air flow sensor itself. If it's a 4 wire sensor, then the Air Temp Sensor is located externally, usually on the Air Duct connecting the Round Air Filter Assembly to the Throttle Body. Get the scoop on testing your FORD MAF sensor.
Presented using advanced software CG animation technology to help you understand. Part of our Automotive Technology series shown here on this channel. Enjoy...
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You do not need a Scan Tool to test the Mass Air Flow Sensor on your Ford. Here, we'll walk you through the whole process of testing and troubleshooting the FORD Mass Air FLow sensor, using only a Multimeter.
Although the mass air flow sensor on your Ford is inside the round Air Filter canister assembly and hidden from view, it can be diagnosed in four easy steps.
The Mass Air Flow Sensor on your FORD may have 6 or 4 wires coming out of the Plastic Round Air Filter Box. If the ford mass air flow sensor has 6 wires, this indicates that the Air Temperature Sensor is integrated within the mass air flow sensor itself. If it's a 4 wire sensor, then the Air Temp Sensor is located externally, usually on the Air Duct connecting the Round Air Filter Assembly to the Throttle Body. Get the scoop on testing your FORD MAF sensor.
Presented using advanced software CG animation technology to help you understand. Part of our Automotive Technology series shown here on this channel. Enjoy...
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Mass Air Flow Sensor Repair Strategy (Book-APP with ads)
Note: This Book-App runs fine on tablets with larger screens and phones. This free book-app
Note: This Book-App runs fine on tablets with larger screens and phones. This free book-app