London (Keys)
By TEARN media
notes & quotes: Jonny: "paranoid android is a minature-version of ok computer. It was the first song i put on a tape for friends to listen after recording the album, because it's a good introduction for the rest of the album. Paranoid Android should make you curious for the rest of the album". Colin: "On Paranoid Android what we were into was the idea of a DJ Shadow meets The Beatles thing. It wasn't about constructing a classical rock edifice like Bohemian Rhapsody. It was more about taking things apart and sticking them together again to see if they made any sense, in the same way that DJ Shadow does and in the same way that The Beatles did on stuff like I Am The Walrus. Nigel Godrich, our engineer, just spliced the different sections together and it was all luck." Thom: "it really started out as three separate songs and we didn't know what to do with them. Then we thought of 'Happiness is a warm gun' - which was obviously three different bits that John Lennon put together - and said 'Why don't we try that?'"
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1k - 5k
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market