Live GPS Tracker

By ANS Project - The LIVE VIEW GPS PT-10.

Named "the most accurate, easy to use GPS tracker" by GPS Magazine, the LiveViewGPS PT-10 is a portable, real-time GPS tracking device you can rely on.
What sets the PT-10 apart? Lighting-fast, dangerously accurate updates in a small, lightweight package ideal for personal and covert use.

This powerful tracker offers an advanced GPS chipset for pinpoint location accuracy to within twelve inches. And with live position updates every twenty feet or every 10 seconds when travelling over 10 mph, you'll never loose touch.

Use the battery operated PT10 in or under a car or truck, on a backpack or belt clip or anywhere you need it. It's simple to operate, requires no installation, and uses an intuitive, high-resolution web map tracking system. Simply log on from any web-enabled computer or mobile device, such as a smart phone or ipad, and you're instantly connected. iPhone and Android apps and magnetic mount cases are also available.

The PT-10 is motion activated and will turn itself off when standing still. The PT-10 Standard has a battery life rating of 8 Motion Hours. That means a vehicle moving one hour per day can be tracked for eight to tens days on a single battery charge!

When you purchase your PT-10 from LiveViewGPS, you get free lifetime technical support, free shipping and our industry-leading money-back guarantee. There are no contracts to sign, and month-to-month subscriptions include unlimited use, unlimited tracking, unlimited alerts and geofences for only $39.95 per month.

It's no wonder why consumers, businesses and even law enforcement agencies all trust the LiveVIewGPS PT-10 for mission critical operations.

The PT-10 From LiveViewGPS -- Superior Performance, Advanced GPS Tracking -- World Class Customer Support.

Still Have Questions? Call us today at - 1.888.544.0494 - speak to an expert GPS tracking consultant who can help. LiveView GPS tracking systems you can trust.
Приложение Live GPS Tracker для путешествий – не обычный программный трекер, в классическом понимании такого рода приложений. В отличие от
50k - 100k
11 years ago