Kiss App
By Rex Apps
Kiss My Apps is Yendi's new segment for TigerDirect TV. This week, her 5 picks from the app market help cure boredom in any situation. She talks about the latest in the app market for your smartphone or tablet. From the science friendly and very addicting Alchemy to the sports fan friendly ESPN Score Center, there are a variety of apps to choose from. Check out the lip ratings for each app and try to guess which the top app for the week will be. Yendi may look a little familiar (a la Betty from episodes past) let's just say that this twin is all about find the best apps out there for you. You can always email her with any questions or thoughts at
Kiss App gives you the chance to play kiss sounds with you phone or tablet, that is just a sweet way to say I Love you to your beloved one or just
100 - 500
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market