Jesus Christ
By KwikSix
3d Live Wallpaper of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Check out my profile to see more Christian live wallpapers.
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Please report any issues, I will fix them ;)
Jesus Christ Our Savior
The Holy Bible
Sunday Worship
Check out my profile to see more Christian live wallpapers.
Browse, bookmark, sync and share your favorite apps on WorshipDigitalMedia.com.
Please report any issues, I will fix them ;)
Jesus Christ Our Savior
The Holy Bible
Sunday Worship
Jesus Christ-Live Wallpaper
This "Live Wallpaper" will turn your phone's home screen into a stunning slide-show of Christian based pictures by
This "Live Wallpaper" will turn your phone's home screen into a stunning slide-show of Christian based pictures by
1k - 5k
14 years ago
Program was removed from android market