Jelly Wars

By Star Arcade

Official iPhone App Review Web Site: App Download: Cost: $0.99 Category: Games Developer: Star Arcade Size: 11.7 MB CrazyMikesapps Head Rating: Store: iTunes, iPhone App Review, by CrazyMike,

Jelly Wars by Star Arcade is the latest in a series of online game applications this developer has placed in the itunes app store. This game title features strategy game play where you an another jelly blob square off in a battle do the death. Your weapons, jelly bombs and sticky jelly bombs (yes I know, a little redundant). Players can also move as well as shoot bombs at their enemy. The last jelly blob standing or sticking wins. Jelly Wars is a fun somewhat addictive pick up an play with anyone in the world iPhone game.

Jelly WarsApp Details
Title: Jelly Wars
Price: $0.99 (launch Special)
Category: Games
Developer: Star Arcade
Store: iTunes App Store Like Us on Facebook Watch Us on YouTube Download Us on iTunes Get our app here

*Disclosure* The developer Star Arcade and the iPhone app "Jelly Wars" are paid advertisers on
Get Jelly Wars and enjoy Star Arcade – the number one Mobile Social Gaming network! No single player, no offline modes – just online multiplayer!
100 - 500
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market