IDEAL Accessible YoutubeViewer
It's a glittering live wallpaper of floating cherry blossoms and clovers.
We are planning to update of seasonable live wallpapers in future!
★You can choose a background color from seven colors. (pink, green, blue and yellow)
★You can choose a part from seven kinds of parts. (Sakura, Dandelion, Clover and Leaf)
★The details of parts can be set up. (a number, size and speed)
★You can input a message. (You can input a favorite message up to 20characters.)
※It becomes nondisplay when filling nothing in.
※You can input only English, a number and a sign.
★You can choose the color of the message from two colors. (gold and silver)
★You can choose the font size of message.
★You can enjoy full version only for two days.Please purchase the license when you continue to use.
★Movement after trial period (They do not react to the touch. Hearts and other parts are not displayed.)
We are planning to update of seasonable live wallpapers in future!
★You can choose a background color from seven colors. (pink, green, blue and yellow)
★You can choose a part from seven kinds of parts. (Sakura, Dandelion, Clover and Leaf)
★The details of parts can be set up. (a number, size and speed)
★You can input a message. (You can input a favorite message up to 20characters.)
※It becomes nondisplay when filling nothing in.
※You can input only English, a number and a sign.
★You can choose the color of the message from two colors. (gold and silver)
★You can choose the font size of message.
★You can enjoy full version only for two days.Please purchase the license when you continue to use.
★Movement after trial period (They do not react to the touch. Hearts and other parts are not displayed.)
Welcome to IDEAL Accessible Youtube Viewer Beta.
With this app, we are seeking to simplify access to various special interest channels on YouTube.
With this app, we are seeking to simplify access to various special interest channels on YouTube.