By Genwi
Timeline of Topics:
1:44 HP's new CEO and what it might mean for webOS
7:10 Should we just let webOS die?
16:04 Windows Phone Mango update coming soon
16:58 Mark Guim (@markguim) from The Nokia Blog (www.thenokiablog.com) joins the show!
28:04 Epic 4G Touch review and Dogfight with the Motorola Photon
35:40 HTC Rhyme - The "woman phone" that's "not" for women
45:35 iPhone 5 announcement on October 4th?
45:41 T-Mobile not getting the iPhone
45:50 Motorola Atrix 2/Edison pictures
47:18 Samsung accuses Apple of "free riding" on its patents, promises to be more aggressive going forward
48:47 Live viewer questions
1:44 HP's new CEO and what it might mean for webOS
7:10 Should we just let webOS die?
16:04 Windows Phone Mango update coming soon
16:58 Mark Guim (@markguim) from The Nokia Blog (www.thenokiablog.com) joins the show!
28:04 Epic 4G Touch review and Dogfight with the Motorola Photon
35:40 HTC Rhyme - The "woman phone" that's "not" for women
45:35 iPhone 5 announcement on October 4th?
45:41 T-Mobile not getting the iPhone
45:50 Motorola Atrix 2/Edison pictures
47:18 Samsung accuses Apple of "free riding" on its patents, promises to be more aggressive going forward
48:47 Live viewer questions
www.guim.fr industry reviews and more
Le blog de Guillaume FRAT-MANGIN d'OUINCE : blog, weblog, NTIC, social networking, B2B, web 2.0, mac, apple
Le blog de Guillaume FRAT-MANGIN d'OUINCE : blog, weblog, NTIC, social networking, B2B, web 2.0, mac, apple
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15 years ago
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