German TV
By G Karuna
3 days ago I got my brand new Canon EOS 550D DSLR and had the chance to experiment with Depht of Field on the very new, not announced yet Acer Aspire 1825PT convertible laptop (will replace the 1820PT as I heard). The system is powered by a Intel Core 2 Duo SU7300 dual-core processor and Windows 7. I made the shot with the standard Canon lens 18-55 3,5-6,3 for the German media N-TV, that will release a reportage about tablets soon.
Download German TV on your android mobile phone for free!
German TV and Channels. German News Channel, German Music TV, German Food TV, German Art
German TV and Channels. German News Channel, German Music TV, German Food TV, German Art
100 - 500
12 years ago
Program was removed from android market