Galaxy S Guide
By M&R Selected
Customizing your new Android phone, flashing new firmwares, custom roms, and custom patches may seem like a lot to swallow if you're someone who's new to the Android scene. This guide is going to walk through pretty much EVERYTHING you need to do to get from your brand new phone to a custom, rooted phone. Estimated time to complete? About an hour or so :)
Note: Firmwares & roms are for the international i9000 galaxy s...Captivate & Vibrant owners, try at your own risk.
Setup ADB: http://theunlockr.com/2009/10/06/how-to-set-up-adb-usb-drivers-for-android-devices/
Download Odin:
New working link: http://ywtfyx.1fichier.com/Odin3_v1.0.exe
Download .512 pit:
New working link: http://1o2bfc.1fichier.com/s1_odin_20100512.pit
Download Custom Firmware for ROOT (if you know how to root through a different method, feel free to skip this method): http://android.modaco.com/content/samsung-galaxy-s-s-modaco-com/314988/03-august-r2-xxjp3-froyo-pre-rooted-insecure-boot-clockworkmod-recovery-for-odin/
Download JM5 fimware for 2.1 (new link...The website's in French, but the first "blue" hyperlink in the middle of the screen is the download link): http://38vbx1.1fichier.com/I9000XWJM5.rar
***Password: samsung-firmwares.com
Download Samset 1.9d(e) custom ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724576
Download CFLagfix: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=751513
Headphone fix tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=735918
Enjoy! Don't forget to Rate, Comment, & Subscribe :)
You can follow me on Twitter for the latest tech news & updates: https://twitter.com/TechSaviSolutio (yes, without the "n")
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Note: Firmwares & roms are for the international i9000 galaxy s...Captivate & Vibrant owners, try at your own risk.
Setup ADB: http://theunlockr.com/2009/10/06/how-to-set-up-adb-usb-drivers-for-android-devices/
Download Odin:
New working link: http://ywtfyx.1fichier.com/Odin3_v1.0.exe
Download .512 pit:
New working link: http://1o2bfc.1fichier.com/s1_odin_20100512.pit
Download Custom Firmware for ROOT (if you know how to root through a different method, feel free to skip this method): http://android.modaco.com/content/samsung-galaxy-s-s-modaco-com/314988/03-august-r2-xxjp3-froyo-pre-rooted-insecure-boot-clockworkmod-recovery-for-odin/
Download JM5 fimware for 2.1 (new link...The website's in French, but the first "blue" hyperlink in the middle of the screen is the download link): http://38vbx1.1fichier.com/I9000XWJM5.rar
***Password: samsung-firmwares.com
Download Samset 1.9d(e) custom ROM: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=724576
Download CFLagfix: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=751513
Headphone fix tutorial: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=735918
Enjoy! Don't forget to Rate, Comment, & Subscribe :)
You can follow me on Twitter for the latest tech news & updates: https://twitter.com/TechSaviSolutio (yes, without the "n")
Or Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/1/117071910747694390795/posts
Or Facebook: TechSaviSolution
Website: http://techsavisolution.weebly.com/index.html
The most comprehensive guide to Samsung Galaxy S. In mobile.
Samsung Galaxy S is the hottest Android phone in the market. It has been named the
Samsung Galaxy S is the hottest Android phone in the market. It has been named the
10k - 50k
14 years ago
Program was removed from android market